Monday 4 May 2015

Recent promo -- sales impact

I have been checking the figures, and over the 3 days of freebies (all 8 of the Angel Mountain novels) last week there were about 1500 free downloads of my titles and 20 copies of the novels sold.  Normally sales vary between 0 and 4 copies per day -- so the extra publicity did bring a little boost of income!  Not that I am going to make a fortune at that level of commercial activity.........

What interests me rather more is the possible impact on sales over the coming month or so.  I assume that most people will NOT have downloaded the whole series, but only one or two titles. If they like them, I hope they will come back for more and actually buy their Kindle downloads next time!  Also, it will be interesting to see if there is any word-of-mouth impact on sales, with people who like the books talking to their friends or encouraging others to try the series via social media.

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